We hope everyone has stayed safe and warm and has had an opportunity to enjoy some fantastic backyard birdwatching over the past few days. For those of you who may need to stock up on birdseed, we are working to get the store up and running for you this morning. Some of our dedicated and eager staff members have safely made it to the store. They have reset the credit card machines (we lost power temporarily Tuesday night) and are doing the best they can to clear the front walkway "bridge", which is still pretty frozen over as of 11 AM. They plan to open the store to customers as soon as a path has been cleared. If you venture out this morning, please be very careful! Turning lanes and heavily shaded areas -- especially where a road passes under a bridge -- may still be very icy. Once you reach your destination, whether our store or elsewhere, please be very cautious navigating icy sidewalks.


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Yellow Throated Warbler

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