December Nature Happenings
- Project FeederWatch continues,
- Christmas Bird Count is this month,
- Great Horned Owls are pairing up this month – listen for their "who" calls.
- This is a great time to teach chickadees and titmice to feed from your hand.
- Watch for late waterfowl migrants such as Northern Shovelers, Mergansers, Ruddy Ducks and Common Goldeneyes.
- Hermit Thrush throughout the Region. Don't be surprised if you see them nibbling on your WBU Birdacious Bark Butter!
- Winter hummingbirds are arriving: Rufous, Black-chinned and Ruby-throated are the most frequent winter visitors.
- American Goldfinches and Pine Siskin have come down to feeders... they like to dine on our WBU Finch Blend, Nyjer and No-Mess Sunflower Chips!
- Red-tailed Hawks and kestrels have arrived for winter.
- Geminid Meteor Shower is mid-month.