January Nature Happenings

• Project FeederWatch continues, www.birds.cornell.edu/pfw
• Watch for mixed flocks of birds to feed on winter berries, poison ivy and cedar trees.
• Now through late March can be a difficult time for birds; providing quality, high energy food and an open source of water is important.
• During the first or second week of January, the first returning Purple Martins will be seen along the coast
• Be sure to have nesting boxes ready for bluebirds as they select their nesting territories this month
• Squirrel mating season...oh my!
• Woodpeckers are easy to spot on leafless trees.
• Waterfowl are present on the coast or on deep-water lakes, making this a great month to bird!
• Coastal states host many wintering hummingbirds that need a reliable source of nectar. Tallahassee gets its share of winter visitors!
• During late January or early February, Great Horned Owls will be sitting on their eggs.
• Bald Eagles begin nesting behavior
• Black-crowned Night-Heron nesting begins.
• Wood Stork colony formation begins.
• Barred Owl: (January - February) nesting peak (incubation 28-33 days).
• Aldo Leopold's (Father of Wildlife Conservation) birthday January 11th
• Quadrantid Meteor Shower peak viewing will be the night of January 3rd, where you can see up to 50 to 110 falling meteors per hour!